Venturing into the world of cryptocurrency can be a daunting task for beginners, particularly when it comes to selecting the right coin to mine. The process of mining cryptocurrencies requires significant time and energy, therefore picking the wrong choice could lead to wasted efforts without any payoff.
Cryptos are all the rage these days and many people want a piece of them. But, there is no need to try mining cryptocurrency if you don’t have a computer that can run it! You will need a powerful computer with a good graphics card and plenty of storage space. Additionally, you will need a stable internet connection for mining to ensure that your computer can stay connected to the cryptocurrency network. Without these basics, it will be very difficult to successfully mine any cryptocurrencies.
The good news? You don’t even need any special knowledge or technical skills either; just remember one thing: cryptocurrencies always trade high-low so mine low when betting on their value increases in the future (and sell higher).
Cryptocurrency’s market value fluctuates constantly which makes it difficult to determine a fair price for them as well. In this video, we will review some of the most popular cryptocurrencies and discuss why they make good choices for new miners!
What are the transactions in blockchain?
The process by which transactions on a blockchain network are verified and added to the public ledger (the “blockchain”) and also the means through which new cryptocurrency is released.
Mining involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the blockchain

What is digital currency example?
A digital currency that uses cryptography for security; Bitcoin is one of several cryptocurrencies. Digital currencies are based upon cryptography for security, making them theoretically immune from counterfeiting, double spending, etc. Cryptocurrencies have no borders or central banks controlling their value; they use peer-to-peer technology instead of centralized ledgers

What is Mining?
The process by which transactions on a blockchain network are verified and added to the public ledger (the “blockchain”) and also the means through which new cryptocurrency is released.
Mining involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the blockchain